The program is available here in PDF format.
Each presentation will be allocated a 25 minute slot. Presentations must not exceed 20 minutes leaving 5 minutes for questions.
Thursday 27 September 2012 | |
08:00 | Registration |
09:00 | Workshop Opening |
Maurizio Rebaudengo (Politecnico di Torino), Markus Rupp (Vienna University of Technology) | |
09:15 | Invited Talk – RF Tag Sensing for Entertainment Applications |
Joshua Griffin (Disney Research, USA) | |
10:15 | Coffee break |
10:35 | Session 1 – Interference management |
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11:50 | Chair: Javier Vales-Alonso, UPCT, Spain |
Advanced Collision Recovery Receiver for RFID | |
Jelena Kaitovic, Robert Langwieser and Markus Rupp | |
Optimal scheduling in single channel dense reader RFID environments | |
Javier Vales-Alonso, F. J. Parrado-García, J. J. Alcaraz and Esteban Egea-López | |
Measurement and Simulation of Crosstalk and Crosstalk Compensation in UHF RFID | |
Robert Langwieser and Gregor Lasser | |
12:00 | Lunch |
13:00 | Invited Talk - Industry Trends in the 13.56MHz Frequency Band |
Thomas Leutgeb (Infineon Austria) | |
14:00 | Session 2 – Test and Emulation |
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15:40 | Chair: Thomas Kaiser, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany |
A Toolbox for RFID Protocol Analysis | |
Roel Verdult, Gerhard de Koning Gans and Flavio D. Garcia | |
Flexible Development and Testing Environment for Implementation of new Algorithms in RFID Systems | |
Salvador Grey and Gerd Vom Bögel | |
Hardware and Software Stack for an SDR-based RFID Test Platform | |
Martin Dusek, Vojtech Derbek, Ales Povalac, Jiri Sebesta and Roman Marsalek | |
Evaluation of the Additive Interference Model for RFID Reader Collision Problem | |
Linchao Zhang, Filippo Gandino, Renato Ferrero and Maurizio Rebaudengo | |
15:40 | Coffee break |
16:10 | Session 3 – RF Transmission |
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17:50 | Chair: Markus Rupp, TU Wien, Austria |
Fast Algorithm for Leaking Carrier Canceller Adjustment | |
Gregor Lasser, Wolfgang Gartner, Robert Langwieser and Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker | |
Evaluating On-Body RFID Systems at 900MHz and 2.45GHz | |
Jasmin Grosinger and Michael Fischer | |
On the Transmit Signal Design at the Reader for RFID MIMO Systems | |
Feng Zheng and Thomas Kaiser | |
Development of a wireless power transmission system for embedded passive sensors using LF RFID technology | |
Iker Mayordomo, Norbert van der Heyd, Tobias Dräger and Josef Bernhard | |
18:00 | Social Event |
Friday 28 September 2012 | |
09:00 | Invited Talk – Pervasive Sensing by means of Passive UHF RFID Technology |
Gaetano Marrocco (University of Roma Tor Vergata) | |
10:00 | Coffee break |
10:20 | Session 4 – Applications |
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12:00 | Chair: Maurizio Rebaudengo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
An analysis of the performances of Low Frequency cylinder glass tags for the underwater tracking of pebbles on a natural beach | |
Giuliano Benelli, Alessandro Pozzebon, Duccio Bertoni, Giovanni Sarti, Paolo Ciavola and Edoardo Grottoli | |
RFID Standardization for Logistics Applications – Status Quo and Challenges from the Automotive Industry’s Perspective | |
Malte Schmidt, Hanno Wolff, Florian Peppel and Lars Thoroe | |
Occupancy Monitoring using Passive RFID Technology for Efficient Building Lighting Control | |
Farhan Manzoor, David Linton and Michael Loughlin | |
Improving safety in operating room: design and experimentation of a RFId-based medical device for surgical sponges management | |
Luca Armisi, Arianna Corona, Silvia Colangelo, Nicola Rosato, Alessandra Lazzaro, Luca Iezzi, Nicola Di Lorenzo, Achille Lucio Gaspari, Ilaria Piccolo, Carlo Maria Medaglia, Sergio Sbrenni and S. Croci | |
12:00 | Lunch |
13:00 | Session 5 – Improvements in RFID Technology |
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14:40 | Chair: Jasmin Grosinger, Vienna University of Technology, Austria |
The PTF-Determinator: A run-time method used to save energy in NFC-Systems | |
Manuel Menghin, Norbert Druml, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiss, Holger Bock and Josef Haid | |
Low–Power CMOS Voltage Regulator Architecture for Implantable RF Circuits | |
Lijun Luo, Kyle De Gannes, Kyle Fricke, Shawon Senjuti and Robert Sobot | |
Enhancing WSN-based Indoor Positioning and Tracking through RFID Technology | |
Zhoubing Xiong, Zhen Yu Song, Andrea Scalera, Francesco Sottile, Riccardo Tomasi and Maurizio A. Spirito | |
Barcode Data Fusion through Application Level Events compliant middleware | |
Nikos Zarokostas, Panagiotis D. Dimitropoulos, John Soldatos and George Stamoulis | |
14:40 | Coffee break |
15:00 | Session 6 – Tag Design and Development |
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16:15 | Chair: Filippo Gandino, Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Design and Characterization of Ink-jet and Screen Printed HF RFID Antennas | |
José F. Salmerón, Almudena Rivadeneyra Torres, Jesús Banqueri, Migue A. Carvajal and Manuel Agudo | |
Model Based Development of the Digital Part of a RFID Transponder with Xilinx System Generator for a FPGA Platform | |
Venkata Rajesh Pamula, Wolfram Strauß and Josef Bernhard | |
Automatic Optimization of Multichip RFID tags | |
Yuanhe Xiong, Stefano Caizzone, Cecilia Occhiuzzi, Gaetano Marrocco, Giuseppe Vecchi and Mario Orefice | |
16:15 | Closure of the workshop and best paper awards |